Health Forum for Vietnamese General Practitioners

As part of the work plan of the Vietnamese Primary Health Care Network (VPHCN) Project, a health forum for the Vietnamese General Practitioners (GPs) was organised on Wednesday 04/02/04 at Cabra Vale Diggers Club with 12 Vietnamese GPs attended. The aim of the health forum is for Vietnamese GPs (in the Fairfield Local Government Area) to get together to discuss health issues affecting the Vietnamese community and to receive some information about services available in the local area.

Dr Huy An introduced guest speakers and welcomed guests

Dr Adam Winstock presented on the topic “Drug & Alcohol Services and Treatment”

The evening commenced with one of the guest speakers, Dr Adam Winstock, providing information on Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Services. The presentation highlighted various types of drugs, including drug terminology, classification and cost; patterns of use and problems; some facts about IV dependent drug users; what treatment and when and finally addressed when is the right time to detox. Dr Winstock also discussed the barriers to providing treatment in Australia to Vietnamese/ Indo--Chinese Drug Users. He suggested that services need to change for culturally acceptable treatments; need to integrate Vietnamese health care professionals and the Vietnamese community; and be more proactive. In regards to referrals, Dr Winstock provided contact details of services that are available such as Pathway (tel: 9616888) and Drug Health’s ‘Core services’ such as, assessment, counselling, pharmacotherapy for opiate users, detoxification, GP/P shared care, hospital consult and liaison, medical out patient clinics, relapse and prevention & rehabilitation, prevention, health promotion and early intervention.

Professor Nicholas Zwar discussed the topic "Travel Health: Focus in Vietnam"

Professor Nicholas Zwar, from the General Practice UNSW, presented information on Travel Health: Focus in Vietnam. Professor Zwar pointed out some issues of Travel Health, such as the Pre-travel consultation related to Immunisations, Malaria Prevention, Insect Precautions, Food and Water Pre cautions, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Travel Deep Vein Thrombosis, Jet Lag, Environment Risks, Travellers with special needs and Safety and Security. In addition Professor Zwar stressed that the issue of higher risks for people visiting friends and relatives than the tourist traveller, as they tend to stay longer, eat local food and are more likely to stay overnight in rural locations. Finally, he suggested that there is a need for people to ideally visit their GP 6 weeks before departure to allow sufficient time for travel health advice and immunisations.

Ms Kwun-Ying Chan, Diabetes Educator from Fairfield Health Service- South Western Sydney Area Health Service, provided a discussion paper on the Community Diabetes Education Program. This program forms part of the Chronic & Complex Care Service, and provides links between Diabetes Centre and the General practitioners. The specific aim of the programs is for patients to establish and maintain glycaemic control at a level to minimise complications of diabetes (HbA1c<7%), to screen for diabetes complications in a timely fashion in order to reduce progression of any complications, to improve cardiovascular risk factor by control of hypertension, lipid profile & smoking status, and improve the patient’s satisfaction with diabetes care.

In order to achieve these aims, Ms Chan articulated that her role is to place patients at the centre of multidisciplinary diabetes team for optimal care, to maintain GPs as the key care co-ordinator of patients with diabetes disease, provide support to GPs for management of patients with diabetes, improve the patient’s understanding of diabetes and self care management, provide care in an appropriate setting, improve communication and coordination between all members of the patient’s diabetes team.

Participants at the Health Forum

The Vietnamese GPs participated in the forum by exchanging ideas, experiences and raising many questions with the guest speakers. From the evaluation forms received, the participants indicated that the information provided is very useful with excellent guest speakers. The Health Forum closed at 9.15pm. Dr Huy An, the MC,  thanked all guest speakers, the organiser and participants for their contribution and hard work towards building a successful health forum.

For more information or for a copy of the above information, please contact Hien Le, Project Officer of the VPHCN on 87174000 or e-mail

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